Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower

Bodifying Shampoo

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Bodifying Shampoo:

Whether you work in marketing, sales, or product design, you understand the importance of a quality landing page. Landing pages are standalone websites used to generate leads or sales—in other words they help you increase your revenue.

Once we have our two components ready, we can start creating the component in which we will nest these. Draw your navigation bar, select it on the canvas and click the Component tool in the Toolbar. To nest a different component in our new component, just drag any other component to the Component Canvas and place it within your designed navigation bar.

Triggering interactions:

Back on the main canvas, we’d like to be able to tap 'Clothing' and navigate to an entire new Screen. If you’d connect the component using the Prototyping Connector to a new screen, we could set up an Interaction. However, this would be triggered if we tap anywhere within our component. This isn’t what we want to do, as we want to trigger this transition only from a specific element. This is where Event Variables come in, which are special types of Variables not attached to properties (like opacity or fill) but instead to events.


Additional information


Bodifying Shampoo:

Whether you work in marketing, sales, or product design, you understand the importance of a quality landing page. Landing pages are standalone websites used to generate leads or sales—in other words they help you increase your revenue.

Once we have our two components ready, we can start creating the component in which we will nest these. Draw your navigation bar, select it on the canvas and click the Component tool in the Toolbar. To nest a different component in our new component, just drag any other component to the Component Canvas and place it within your designed navigation bar.

Triggering interactions:

Back on the main canvas, we’d like to be able to tap 'Clothing' and navigate to an entire new Screen. If you’d connect the component using the Prototyping Connector to a new screen, we could set up an Interaction. However, this would be triggered if we tap anywhere within our component. This isn’t what we want to do, as we want to trigger this transition only from a specific element. This is where Event Variables come in, which are special types of Variables not attached to properties (like opacity or fill) but instead to events.


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